Multiple Packer Assemblies for Oil Wells - equipment, which is intended to facilitate the work on wells. One of the tasks of LLC "NKMZ Group" - development and the creation of two-packer and multipacker layouts such as KOUS and KPO, which provide for operations in the operation of wells. Equipment Kit KPO that we manufacture are certified and licensed by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
Designed for dual completion applications with isolation of perforated or disturbed casing section above the assembly.
Designed to be used in horizontal wells and to set packer assembly in shallow wells.
Used to protect production casing from fluid injected with inverted ESP.
Enables intrawell injection from an upper water production zone into lower payzones with inverted ESP.
Provides ESP completion with isolation of disturbed sections of production casing.
Provides ESP completion with isolation of disturbed sections of production casing.
Used for single tubing dual completion.
Designed for dual production from the wells which have significantly different reservoir properties of the formations and petroleum characteristics.
Allows single tubing dual completion in the formations with significantly different reservoir properties.
Used for single tubing dual completion with single ESP.
Used for dual injection through concentric tubing strings.
Used for dual-zone selective completion through concentric tubing strings with injection in the upper zone and production in the lower zone.
Used for dual-zone selective completion through concentric tubing strings with injection in the upper zone and production in the lower zone.
Used for single string dual injection.
Designed for single string intrawell injection with water produced from the lower aquifer and injected in the upper reservoir.
Used for single string intrawell injection with water produced from the upper aquifer and injected in the lower reservoir.
Designed for long-term ESP-completion and isolation of previously perforated casing sections.
Used for selective stimulation or dual well testing with different fluid.
Used for single string dual injection.
Used for single string dual injection.
Used for single string dual injection.
Isolates the formation from brine or other kill weight fluids during ESP changeover.